Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dads new job and today

So yesterday we found out that my dad dies indeed have the new job in north Dakota. We've spent the last few days getting him already for the job and time away from home. We had to switch his Phone to Verizon so I was lucky enough to inherate his old iPhone which is actually what I'm using to write this haha I kinda love it. But it is going to be hard not to see him for such long periods of time but it's such a great job too good to pass up. I know that god will be watching over him as well as us during the times he's gone.

Anyways today, so my fan went to see hp7 while I watched Braxton cause he doesn't sit through movies so well. We began our adventure at the university mall specifically the Disney store where we spent like an hOur haha it was so fun and so cute to see him get so excited about all the fun stuff. The next exciting event would have to be Tucanos. We went there for dads last meal of sorts, it was so delicious but I ate way tOo much I almost lost it in the barhroom. But man that is such a fun experience.

Anyways the rest if the day was pretty stressful just getting all the last minute stuff ready and I must say I am kind of scared but it's gonna be fun and exciting I do love change it's a good thing typically. Anyways thanks for letting me tell you about my day you're al awesome
Sincerely one rather impressed with his iPhone typing skills

Friday, July 15, 2011

one of those silly facebook notes

so i decided i should blog about something and i saw a facebook note thingy that seemed interesting so i'm going to do that and hey maybe you'll get to know me a bit better

LAYER ONE: On the Outside-- 

Full Name: Braden Matthew Messick
Birthday: Oct. 11
School: THS 
Major: Philosophy maybe, undecided 
Current Location: that's classified but i am behind a computer
Eye Color: brown green hazel?
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: lefty for life babies
Zodiac Sign: a cock for the chinese and then the one i think it means i am a libra at least that's what google says

LAYER TWO: On the Inside-- 

Your Heritage: german and other white places

Your Fears: elevators 

Weakness: babies

Goal(s): i've scored like 5 yeah i'm basically a super star

Regrets: only one but you have to be special to know it

Change one thing about your life: said regret 

Relieve Stress: drive walk music

Hardest thing ever dealt with: a long break up

What upsets you: slurping bleh sooooo nasty

Vent about something: I just gah i hate misquitos they take my blood and make me itchy and just grrrr gah it itches! i fed them is that not enough????! must they make me itch too?!!!

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow-- 

Your thoughts first waking up: midnight showing still so worth it hp7.2 baby

Your most missed memory: how things were like a month and a half ago, or perhaps the beach  

LAYER FOUR: You’re picking-- 

Pepsi or Coke: pepsi between those too

McDonald's or Burger King: mcds, bk makes me sick

Single or Group dates: some of both :)

Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate is that a question?


Do Drugs: nope not unless directed to take them by a medical pro

Have a crush: very much so but it might be unrealistic of me 

Think you've been in love: totally

Want to get married: very much so

Believe in yourself: what am i doing? but usually yes

LAYER SIX: In the Past Month-- 

Gone to the mall: yes i did yesterday in fact

Eaten Sushi: no it makes me sick

Gone skating: no not in a long time

Dyed your hair: never ever in my life should i?

Done something exciting: psh i do that everyday!

LAYER SEVEN: Have You Ever?-- 

Changed who you were to fit in: not really if i don't fit in i usually don't want to

Stole a note that you weren't tagged in: hahahahaha um prime example right here

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Old-- 

Age you're hoping to be married: if i'm not married by 30 i'll be sad i think 23 but we'll see what happens after the mission

Age you're hoping to have children: i'd like to at 25 but it's really up to my dear sweet wife she has to do the hard part

Want to travel to: EVERYWHERE 

LAYER NINE: Perfect Mate-- 

Best Eye Color: i love blue eyes but it doesn't really matter

Best Hair Color: Anything but i'd prefer not blonde

Short or Long Hair: depends on the girl :)

LAYER TEN: What were you doing-- 

5 MINUTES AGO: writing this i'm getting distracted 

1 HOUR AGO: reading someones blog


1 YEAR AGO: something summery :)

LAYER ELEVEN: Finish the Sentence-- 

I Love: you :)
I Feel: like i should pause and go pee.....
I Hate: being chased by rapid dingos with buttons for eyes (it happens alot)
I Hide: Because of those d@mn dingos! 
I Miss: it would embarrass her if i said her name on my blog i think
I Need: a hug cause i want a hug

Well there you have it buddies :) hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

a blog post

So i don't really know what to write about i just feel like i should cause it's been awhile. So my cousin andy just got back from his mission and tomorrow is his homecoming thing i'm pretty excited but not at the same time it's just a very long drive.
The past three days have been pretty amazing but i don't know they've left me feelin kinda down for some reason. you ever just wish you could freeze time so you could think everything through before you had to choose something? I especially wish i could right now cause i know i have to choose something but i'm not even sure what it is, well i do i just don't know exactly what it is. Sorry that makes absolutely no sense unless you know me and how i describe things which is probably only like 2 people in the whole world. Gah i hate not knowing everything that's stressing me out but today it's alot of unknowns.
I did go on a run and it really helped me clear my head and think things through it was so helpful and helped mend some stupid stuff, i'm glad that parts behind and i'm looking forward to the new beginnings.
You ever get a text and pray that its from someone specific but it never seems to be the one you need to talk to when you need to? haha then you get some that break your heart that you didn't really expect them too. life should come with a map.... though i probably still wouldn't use it.
Well thanks for listening i know i'll blaze a path that makes sense looking back but sadly you have to blaze it looking forward and well i feel lost and confused in the denseness of life haha oh well you only get one might as well embrace the chaos and confusion and call it yours
-sincerely one going no where in particular