Friday, July 15, 2011

one of those silly facebook notes

so i decided i should blog about something and i saw a facebook note thingy that seemed interesting so i'm going to do that and hey maybe you'll get to know me a bit better

LAYER ONE: On the Outside-- 

Full Name: Braden Matthew Messick
Birthday: Oct. 11
School: THS 
Major: Philosophy maybe, undecided 
Current Location: that's classified but i am behind a computer
Eye Color: brown green hazel?
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: lefty for life babies
Zodiac Sign: a cock for the chinese and then the one i think it means i am a libra at least that's what google says

LAYER TWO: On the Inside-- 

Your Heritage: german and other white places

Your Fears: elevators 

Weakness: babies

Goal(s): i've scored like 5 yeah i'm basically a super star

Regrets: only one but you have to be special to know it

Change one thing about your life: said regret 

Relieve Stress: drive walk music

Hardest thing ever dealt with: a long break up

What upsets you: slurping bleh sooooo nasty

Vent about something: I just gah i hate misquitos they take my blood and make me itchy and just grrrr gah it itches! i fed them is that not enough????! must they make me itch too?!!!

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow-- 

Your thoughts first waking up: midnight showing still so worth it hp7.2 baby

Your most missed memory: how things were like a month and a half ago, or perhaps the beach  

LAYER FOUR: You’re picking-- 

Pepsi or Coke: pepsi between those too

McDonald's or Burger King: mcds, bk makes me sick

Single or Group dates: some of both :)

Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate is that a question?


Do Drugs: nope not unless directed to take them by a medical pro

Have a crush: very much so but it might be unrealistic of me 

Think you've been in love: totally

Want to get married: very much so

Believe in yourself: what am i doing? but usually yes

LAYER SIX: In the Past Month-- 

Gone to the mall: yes i did yesterday in fact

Eaten Sushi: no it makes me sick

Gone skating: no not in a long time

Dyed your hair: never ever in my life should i?

Done something exciting: psh i do that everyday!

LAYER SEVEN: Have You Ever?-- 

Changed who you were to fit in: not really if i don't fit in i usually don't want to

Stole a note that you weren't tagged in: hahahahaha um prime example right here

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Old-- 

Age you're hoping to be married: if i'm not married by 30 i'll be sad i think 23 but we'll see what happens after the mission

Age you're hoping to have children: i'd like to at 25 but it's really up to my dear sweet wife she has to do the hard part

Want to travel to: EVERYWHERE 

LAYER NINE: Perfect Mate-- 

Best Eye Color: i love blue eyes but it doesn't really matter

Best Hair Color: Anything but i'd prefer not blonde

Short or Long Hair: depends on the girl :)

LAYER TEN: What were you doing-- 

5 MINUTES AGO: writing this i'm getting distracted 

1 HOUR AGO: reading someones blog


1 YEAR AGO: something summery :)

LAYER ELEVEN: Finish the Sentence-- 

I Love: you :)
I Feel: like i should pause and go pee.....
I Hate: being chased by rapid dingos with buttons for eyes (it happens alot)
I Hide: Because of those d@mn dingos! 
I Miss: it would embarrass her if i said her name on my blog i think
I Need: a hug cause i want a hug

Well there you have it buddies :) hope you enjoy!

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